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PCOS and Hair Growth: The Hormonal Connection and Solutions

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

The Hormonal Interplay Behind Excessive Hair Growth

The intricate dance of hormones within our bodies influences a myriad of functions, from mood to metabolism. However, for those grappling with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), these hormones can also dictate the patterns of hair growth. At Permanence, our aim is not only to offer solutions but also to shed light on the science behind these challenges. Here, we delve into the hormonal orchestra of PCOS and its role in excessive hair growth:

  1. Elevated Androgen Levels: One of the hallmarks of PCOS is higher levels of androgens, such as testosterone. These “male hormones”, present in both genders, directly affect hair follicles, leading to increased hair growth in atypical areas for women, a condition known as hirsutism.
  2. Increased Hair Follicle Sensitivity: Androgens can amplify the sensitivity of hair follicles. This heightened sensitivity can make certain areas produce thicker, darker, and more prominent hair. The responsiveness of hair follicles to androgens is influenced by genetic factors and the distribution of hormone receptors.  
  3. Hormone Receptor Expression: Hair follicles house receptors for various hormones, including androgens. The density and distribution of these receptors dictate the follicles’ responsiveness to androgens. In PCOS, certain body regions might have a denser concentration of androgen receptors, resulting in more pronounced hair growth.
  4. Insulin Resistance:  Many individuals with PCOS also have insulin resistance, where the body’s cells don’t respond effectively to insulin.  This can result in increased insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels.  Elevated insulin and IGF-1 can further stimulate androgen production, exacerbating hirsutism.
  5. Ovulatory Dysfunction:  PCOS often involves irregular or absent ovulation.  This can lead to an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, two key female hormones.  The imbalance can contribute to androgen over production and influence hair growth patterns.

The Solution:

Its important to note that not all women with PCOS will experience hirsutism and the severity of symptoms can vary widely.  Hirsutism can have significant psychological and emotional impacts on individuals, and treatments are available to manage the symptoms.  These may include:

  • Medications:  Anti-androgen medications can help reduce excess hair growth by blocking the receptors receiving the hormone for hair conversion in symptoms of PCOS
  • Oral Contraceptives:  Birth control pills can help regulate hormone levels and reduce hirsutism.  However, when stopping the pills, hair is likely to return.  
  • Laser Hair Removal:  This can be an effective way to manage excessive hair growth as a temporary solution.  My recommendation is to only trial the results on the body, however for the face I recommend you avoid laser, to avoid excessive hair stimulation in that area. 
  • Galvanic Electrolysis:  A procedure that is medically approved as permanent.  Galvanic multi probe electrolysis destroys the hair follicles with an electric current.  Galvanic Multi probe electrolysis offers a guaranteed hair free for life permanent solution.
  • Lifestyle changes:  Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise, managing insulin resistance, ad addressing hormonal imbalances can also help manage PCOS symptoms.

If you suspect you have PCOS or are experiencing symptoms such as excessive hair growth, irregular periods, and hormonal imbalances, it is important to consult a medical professional. 

 If you are experiencing symptoms of excessive hair growth and want to get rid of it, then contact a Galvanic Electrologist expert to deal with the hair issue.  Permanence Electrologist specialize in this area.  They can develop and provide a treatment plan tailored to your needs www.permanence.com.au 

Galvanic multi probe electrolysis is often considered the best suitable solution for removing unwanted hair growth in individuals with PCOS due to its precision and effectiveness in permanently removing the unwanted hair stem cell target.  Galvanic electrolysis has several advantages in addressing excess hair growth caused by PCOS.

  1.  Permanent hair Removal:  Galvanic electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal.  It works by using an electric current to destroy the hair follicles, preventing them from producing new hair.  This can be especially beneficial for individuals with PCOS who may experience persistent and resistant hair growth.  
  2. Precision:  Galvanic electrolysis is a very precise procedure.  A trained Permanence professional can target individual hair follicles, making it suitable for small and large areas with dense growth or areas with sparse hair growth.  
  3. Hair and skin Types:  Galvanic Electrolysis is effective on all hair and skin types, all hair colours, including individuals with darker skin tones and lighter hair.  
  4. Hormone-Driven Hair Growth:  Galvanic Electrolysis can provide a solution even in cases where hormone imbalances drive hair growth.  Since it directly treats the hair follicles, it can address hair growth that is resistant to hormonal therapies.
  5. Versatility:  Galvanic Electrolysis can be used on various parts of the body, including the face neck, chest, back, and bikini Line, making it suitable for targeting hair growth in different areas affected by PCOS.

However, although Galvanic Electrolysis is guaranteed permanent forever, its important to consider that electrolysis has its own limitations and considerations:

  1. Time-consuming:  Galvanic electrolysis is a gradual process, as each hair follicle needs to be treated individually, although we can use up to 32 probes at a time, making the process much quicker.  Depending on the density of hair, multiple sessions are typically required to achieve your desired results.
  2. Discomfort and sensitivity:  The procedure can cause some discomfort to some clients, although most handle it without any form of excessive discomfort.  Topical numbing agents can help alleviate this.
  3. Professional Expertise:  Galvanic Electrolysis should be performed by a trained and experienced professional to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  4. Cost:  Galvanic Electrolysis can be more expensive than some other hair removal methods at the time of treatment, however over the long term it will work out to be more cost effective, and the cost can vary depending on factors like the density of the area being treated and the number of sessions required.

Before deciding on any removal methods, its recommended to consult with your Permanence Electrologist.  They can provide personalised advice based on your individual situation, references, and needs.

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